Let's get FLY.

Before we start - we recommend watching this video to understand the basics of SYNCLOGIC if this is your first time - please click below to view


STEP ONE: download app

download the SYNCLOGIC APP in your Shopify store

STEP TWO: fill out the form

in order for you to get our code and sync to our store, you will need to fill out this form. Once you have submitted the form you will be redirected to a screen that has the synclogic code.

STEP THREE: connect with code

OPEN app and click subscribe to connection - use the code given after you fill out our form by connecting with this code: you agree to the guidelines and risks.

STEP FOUR: approval

we will approve your request within 2 business days [ M-F ] - we hold the right to revoke your SYNCLOGIC status at any given time.

STEP FIVE: settings

once you are approved it is VERY IMPORTANT: to go to Subscription Global Sync Preferences - and change the needed sync settings to reflect your choice for pricing and other various options. WE DO NOT hold responsibility if these options [especially pricing] are synced improperly.

STEP SIX: sell

get to selling and we will ship within 48 hours of your invoice being paid for these items. - STAY FLY!


PLEASE proceed to filling out the form. Once complete, you will receive our Synclogic CODE at the end of submitting application. Once you have used the code to sync please allow 24-48 hours for approval.


    we require you to be a valid customer before applying for this feature. We will only allow customers that HAVE ACTUALLY purchased from us prior to applying with your total history of all accumulative orders being over $500 [at this time].


    WE do not have compare at pricing done at retail MSRP for you - instead you are responsible for manually altering the pricing for you synced products while following our pricing requirements.


    we will NOT drop ship the products until your invoice has been paid. Please promptly pay for your orders. NON-payment within 24 hours will result in the removal of your synclogic access to our store.


    while we use the top technology to process our orders via scanning/barcodes - manufacture packaging errors can happen. Corrections will be made but understanding must exist in the additional time needed to correct.


    shipping will be calculated at checkout. Cost will depend on the shipping address and it's distance from our warehouse. Please note these charges are directly from our carriers.


    while we strive to keep accurate inventory for syncing purpose - we hold the right to refund due to quantity discrepancies.


    if you have a return request from your customer the customer MUST DO the return with you the retailer. You the retailer would then follow OUR return policies which does include a restocking fee, please view our policies for more info. IF the return request is a manufacturer defect we will stand behind our product and get it fixed as soon as possible. Please Fill Out a Claim Form if a Return Request is needed.


    BY USING OUR CODE & SYNCING YOUR STORE - you are agreeing to the guidelines set forth above. We are not responsible for errors within this 3rd party app.


We will only offer products that have relevant quantities and NEW RELEASES will not be avalible for this service until 4-6 weeks have passed. You may view current product list by clicking below.


Why not ALL 2 FLY products?

we believe it is VERY important to give our retailers that take the risk in holding actual stock FIRST DIBS on all NEW products.

Do you ship direct to the customer?

Yes. we will package the item and ship direct using only a packing slip without any details of wholesale pricing.

Anything other than SYNCLOGIC?

While we would love to offer everything under the sun. We will start here and look into more options as we become more knowledgable with drop shipping.

Do I have to have a SHOPIFY website?

unfortunately, yes. We will continue to build off of this and offer non shopify required programs in the future.

How much is this SYNCLOGIC?

There is a 30 DAY free trial - and $19.99 a month [please verify this information on your own] - you can also sync other vendors in addition to 2 FLY CO.


PLEASE NOTE: we are using SYNCLOGIC as a 3rd party. We are not experts in technical support and may not be able to aide in errors within the app. IF this is a SYNCLOGIC issue we recommend contacting their support team first.